Conflicting ideas, better results

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Conflict may be a negative word, but its impact is not always negative. It can help in generating better results, if they take place in a team environment. Conflicts are a very natural phenomenon and they are quite commonly experienced at the workplaces as well. The way to deal with any kind of conflict is confrontation. However, most people feel that avoiding the conflict situation is the best possible way, but it is not so.

stressed lady

This may result in anguish and frustration, and may reverberate negative vibes into the environment, making it tense and stressful. Effective management of conflicts can be helpful for the organization. A direct and clear confrontation can help people get rid of the deep-seated anger and disappointments; this would greatly improve the work efficiency of the employees.

Diverging ideas:


In a business setting, conflicts are inevitable. People working in a team have different areas of interest, and different ideas to take the process forward. This often results in arguments and conflicts. These varieties in ideas are helpful for the businesses to grow as the best-suited measure is then put into practice. The effective management of conflict is to lean the art of agreeing to disagree. One should respect the ideas and thoughts of others. This helps the businesses to grow.

Larger objectives matter the most:

Businesswoman Discussing With Colleague In Office

Little arguments and small conflicts is a part of the working environment. The fact of the matter is that a team has a larger corporate goal, which is common to all team members. Each individual is working to achieve this larger goal. As long as these larger corporate objectives are being fulfilled, this tiny-heated exchange of words is acceptable. These conflicts should not hamper the achievement of larger goals and objectives. It is the duty of the team move forward, and show willingness to collaborate and towards achieving a common goal.

Increase in productivity:

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All members of team work to resolve the conflict and this process has been known to improve the productivity of the employees. Resolving an issue right there helps the employees to work with a clam head. Holding grudges, degrades the quality of work. Therefore, it is important, to resolve the matters as soon as possible, so that efficiency of work is improved.

New ideas:

Businessman draws idea concept on whiteboard.

The environment should be such that each member of the team has the right to express his ideas and provide a feedback. This process helps in generation of new ideas. With many minds at work, conflicts are a bound to happen, but these conflicts give birth to newer ideas, which become crucial for the growth of the companies. Not all members agree on a certain decision, it’s important to hear their perspective, may be they have a better way to do things. Every member of the team is unique, it’s important to consider the thoughts and ideas. This helps in evolving all mew ideas for the team.

Being the ultimate winner:

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Winning not necessarily mean that your ideas are always implemented, it means having achieved the larger goal, with the help of the best suited ideas, which generates the most effective results. As a team member, all that should matter is to win as a team and not individually. You have to take pride in being the ultimate winner.

Conflicts are effective in improving results for the company, provided these be managed effectively and directed towards generating newer ideas and not rivalry amongst the employees. Conflicts have to be managed in a way that there exists a win-win situation for all. It is important that conflicts ultimately have a positive impact on the atmosphere of the organization.

Summary: Conflicts are a natural phenomenon at the workplace, if managed well these conflicts can help generate newer ideas and increases the productivity of the employees.

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