Find Yahoo ad on Adobe PDF file

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

adobe pdf logoYahoo and Adobe are planning to place ads on PDF documents. In an A4 size PDF document, Adobe will leave a space for a column of ads which will be placed in the right hand margin of the page. Yahoo, by deploying its standard keyboard bidding and contextualizing engine will supply ads on the space.

What it means, unlike before, when publishers were only allowed to embed static ads on the PDF file, this time, contextually relevant ads will be delivered from Yahoo ad reservoir onto the documents. The initiative is called. ‘Ads for Adobe PDF Powered by Yahoo.’

It is believed that more than 90% of the internet connected PCs worldwide are having PDF readers. As increasingly charging for content is becoming obsolete on the web world, publishers are trying to monetize newer ways to capitalize on freely distributed contents.

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Advertisers will benefit as they get a new platform to show their ads.
Readers will benefit as more paid PDF documents will be now available for free. An example of how the system will work —

For example, a company that publishes a daily bulletin for electrical engineers may open the content to digital camera companies, laptop computer vendors and other advertisers. The ads will contain links so the reader can go immediately to the advertiser’s website.


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