Stress Alternative Medicine

Stressed male

Stress: Alternative Medicine


Top Alternative Medicine

1. Yoga

Dating back over 5000 years, yoga is the oldest defined practice of wellness. It involves holding different body postures, controlled breathing, imagery and stretching which relaxes the whole system of nerves, blood vessels and muscles. It also improves circulation and brings about a balance in all the hormonal activity. The benefits are reduced stress, sound sleep, reduced cortisol levels, and lowered blood pressure. The only equipment needed is a mat, and a thin cushion. It can be practiced at home or during travel. Yoga uses gentle exercises along with controlled breathing and nothing vigorous which could turn out to be harmful. For instance one posture called ‘shavasana’ is just lying down flat on the ground with a few relaxing and breathing exercises which will reduce stress almost immediately. Yoga should be practiced for 3 months at least for any radical improvement.

2. Aroma Therapy

Aroma definitely affects bodily functions. For instance aroma of your favorite food stimulates the salivary glands and induces hunger. Similarly many plant essences bring on a calm and relaxed state of mind. It is very easy to use, just dip cotton in the essence specific to the treatment and inhale the aroma. To treat stress and anxiety or mental fatigue use basil, bergamot, cinnamon, garlic, geranium, lavender, lemon, rose or thyme. These can also be taken in specific combinations like lavender, rosemary, black pepper, peppermint and cypress oils for body aches associated with stress. It cannot cure stress but definitely helps in the treatment.

3. Breathing techniques

Deep breathing exercises are an ideal way to relieve stress. Just a few minutes of deep breathing which has specific techniques for inhalation and exhalation, brings down stress levels within minutes. Coupled with imagery the stress relief is noticeable in just five minutes. It is very simple, free, and convenient to do just by anyone, anywhere and in any condition. There are specific types of yogic breathing which will require special guidance and instructions.

4. Herbal remedies

There are many herbal remedies that can reduce stress. They cannot be handled casually or taken without medical advice as they are like powerful drugs and each one has to be used for specific complaints. Passion flower acts like a sedative, scullcap is a general nerve tonic, Relora belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs which helps control stress related eating and drinking that is non-sedating and is a potent anti-depressant. Chamomile is a digestive aid and quietens stomach disorders.

5. Vitamin C

Recent studies have notched up its efficacy in reducing stress and anxiety. Cortisol, the hormone that triggers the ‘beat the stress’ response from the body, is a natural defense mechanism. But frequent exposure to high levels of stress hormones impairs learning and memory, and also causes exhaustion and depression. A high dose of nearly 1000 mg of vitamin C found in fresh fruits and vegetables, controls the cortisol levels to ward of problems caused by stress.

6. Meditation

Meditation involves sitting in a relaxed posture and allowing your mind to relax. You can do this by focusing on sounds like ‘Om’, or music that brings your mind closest to the thought free state. All you need is 15 to 20 minutes in a quiet corner. A little practice soon makes you adept at it. It is known to slow down the heart rate, normalizes blood pressure, increases oxygen intake and improves the immune function. It is free and requires no paraphernalia at all.

7. Walking

Walking is known to reduce stress. It lets you get away from a stressful environment, breathe fresh air, be with nature and also burn stress-eating calories. Walking helps you to get clarity in your thoughts which can help you solve problems and lowers stress.

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