Tips for a Safe Yoga Practice during Pregnancy

Safe Yoga Practice during Pregnancy

Yoga is an excellent way to increase your body strength, and relax your mind, especially when you are expecting motherhood. Yoga not only enhances the physical strength, but also the mental well-being, which is required during the pregnancy. This way you will be able to connect better to your baby and develop a bond even before the birth of the baby. Given below are five Yoga tips to support yourself and your unborn baby.

  • While performing Yoga during pregnancy, you should avoid laying extra stress or even compression and stretching the abdomen. You should strictly stay away from doing closed twists, stomach prone postures and postures that evoke the abdomen, such as the Navasana, which refers to deep backbends. Perform inversions like headstand and shoulderstand unless you are an expert Yogi.
  • Being pregnant is the greatest gift of God and it is the time when you are the most instinctive in your behavior. Many a rimes, you may receive certain warning from your inner self. And if it is related to your Yoga practice, you should without thinking twice avoid doing such poses. Listen to your inner self and do not do anything that does not seem correct for you and your baby.
  • When you are pregnant, you have the responsibility to take care of two lives, yourself and the little angel growing within you. Hence, you must allow your body to take proper rest and relax. Remember, pregnancy is not the time when you enter a new arena in Yoga practice and hence, you should not think of arriving at challenging poses like the Chaturanga. Instead, try to lean a careful and supportive exercise pattern that would not harm your pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy, a hormone called relaxin is secreted which helps widen the pelvis during the childbirth. Overstretching the body can be highly dangerous with the elevated levels of relaxin, as it may lead to a ligament or sacroiliac joint injury, and you may not even come to know about it. You should have a balanced stretching, which means if you have already widened hips, you should go for poses that would enhance your strength and flexibility.
  • Breath is the key factor of the Yoga practice and plays a crucial role in making your labor easy. The exhale or the relaxing breath helps in decreasing the pain of the labor contractions and expansions, while soothing the mind and the nervous system. This can be helpful in releasing the groin and hip sensation. This will also help you stay conscious during childbirth.


Yoga when practiced correctly can be helpful in a safe and less painful delivery. All you need to do is to keep these tips in mind and stay focused.

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