Steam it up: Health benefits of steam bath and saunas

Steam bath and saunas

Steam bath and saunas

Steam bath and sauna are universally believed to be miracle cures . They’re ancient healing procedures. Since thousands of years kings, monks and others have had been taking steam bath and sauna to stay healthy, refreshed and cure almost any kind of ailment.

Steam bath and sauna are both therapeutic in nature. However, steam has high moisture content, which makes steam bathing useful, especially for respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma, and other allergies. The profuse sweating created by steam baths and saunas cleanses and tones the skin, thereby making the skin healthy, glowing and making you feel refreshed and invigorated.

Saunas have some distinct health benefits too. Many claim that they help us in losing weight, rinse toxins out of the body, lower LDL cholesterol levels, relieve arthritis and joint pain and heal several respiratory problems such as bronchitis or laryngitis.

Let’s take a detailed look at the major health benefits of steam bath and sauna.

Benefits of Steam bath

Steam bath

1. Aids respiratory ailments

Steam can clear the lungs of allergens and mucus. Steam bathing supplies a dense and higher concentration of vapor than a vaporizer, therefore benefiting those with breathing problems.

Steam increases the moisture content in the lungs, throat and nose and soothes breathing passages. Thus providing comfort to people suffering from blocked nose due to common cold or even asthma.

2. Skin

Heavy sweat is the single most awesome thing for the skin. Steam cleanses the skin by opening up the pores, removes dead skin and dirt-grime by making it sweat thoroughly and helps in creating a beautiful, glowing and healthy skin. It also improves the blood flow in the muscles.

3. Pain relief

Since ancient times heat has been used to treat muscular pain. Many fitness enthusiasts, celebrities and professional athletes take steam bath after a workout. This enables them to release the muscles of stiffness and speeds up the healing process of the tissues broken during the workout.

4. Relaxation

Steam bath also provides deep rest to the core, which is a therapeutic way to heal the system of your body and mind from daily stress, anxiety and tension. Some of the stress and anxiety related illnesses are high blood pressure and hypertension, which can cause serious problems, if not taken care of. The steam also provides a soothing atmosphere, which calms the mind and gives you mental peace.

A simple experiment can prove this. Try taking a steam bath before going to bed. You’ll see that it promotes a deep and peaceful sleep. If you make steam bath a part of your daily routine, you’ll reap the benefits in physical health and mental state.

Benefits of sauna


1. Weight loss

This benefit is based largely on claim and not completely true. However, there are plenty of gyms, fitness centers and weight loss programs, that suggest saunas as aid weight loss. Sauna actually works as a catalyst and speeds up your weight loss goals. Sauna increases your heart beat rate and the body tries to cool itself. Thus, a 30 minute sauna session can help you burn up to 400 calories.

2. Detoxification

Sauna helps the body to get rid of toxins like lead and mercury. This is based on assumptions and not scientifically proved to be 100% true. However, since the claim is made by many sauna manufacturers, retailers and sauna enthusiasts, you can definitely give it a go. Most of the claims are heard in relation to infrared saunas than the traditional saunas.

3. Lowers LDL cholesterol

This is another claim made by many sauna manufacturers. However, till date there has been no scientific evidence to support this claim. Simple calculation says that if sauna increases your heart rate, then the heart itself will work its way to the process of releasing the LDL cholesterol. Some sauna enthusiasts claim to have felt the difference. So, it’s definitely worth the try.

4. Relaxation

The biggest health benefit of sauna is relaxation, just like steam baths. Saunas provide relaxation and release stress. Sauna before bed time promotes a sound sleep, which would rejuvenate and recuperate your body.

5. Other health benefits

As mentioned before, the heart rate and the blood flow increases during a sauna session . The increased blood flow to the skin induces heavy sweating. The moisture makes the nasal passages open up, which in turn makes the sinuses drain out. Patients suffering from arthritis and rheumatic pain can benefit from sauna.

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