Review & Experience Of The Sound Healing Bath At Gmantra by Dr. Prem

Review & Experience Of The Sound Healing Bath At Gmantra by Dr. Prem
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Have you ever thought about how specific sound vibrations and frequencies can help in healing? Healing with sound or Sound Bath Therapy has become a popular wellness trend in recent years. Let me explain to you why.  Our team of Dr.Prem and Associates had an opportunity to experience the beautiful therapy “Sound Bath” at Gmantra. While for most, this was their first experience, I couldn’t emphasize enough how amazing it turned out for each one of us.

Dr Prem with Gayatri Singh at GmantraThis wellness therapy originated in Tibet almost 2000 years ago, where Tibetan monks used specially made singing bowls for psychosomatic healing. Gradually, this therapy got manifested with the use of various sonorous instruments or devices.

Sound Bath is a meditational healing, that balances our chakras and enhances mental and physical well-being. Each of the instruments used in this therapy is different and produces therapeutical sounds and vibrations. The benefits of sound therapy such as relief from psychological and physical pain are proven and supported by many research studies.

I felt blissful right when we entered this cozy yet spacious studio of Gmantra. It was almost as if I left the outside world behind the doors. The place was decorated with flowers and plants, lighted candles, a chakra design on the wall, a precious Buddha statue on the table brightened with lights, and the front area where all the instruments were placed. The room itself was filled with calming vibes.  After a brief introduction by the therapist, we got ready for the therapy.

Types of Instruments Used for Sounds

different kinds of instruments used in Sound bath TherapyIt was great to know about the different kinds of instruments used in Sound bath Therapy which are listed below.

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Tibetan Singing Bowls

Tibetan Singing Bowls are alloyed with 7 different metals. These singing bowls come in a wide range of sizes and were traditionally used for deepening meditation.

The vibrations and sound produced by these bowls are known to be beneficial for treating stress, and anxiety, and easing various physical pains.


Gong is a flat, circular, plate-like metal instrument. It produces a strong resonant and echoing sound when struck by a mallet.

The vibrations created by this instrument can be felt by each body cell providing deep relaxation and rejuvenation. It has been in use for rituals, music, meditation, ceremonies, and healing for centuries.


Instruments Used for SoundsChimes is a tuned instrument that has 12 to 18 tubes made of metals that produce a calming sound like bells. This instrument can stabilize and enhance emotional well-being.

The long-sustained melody ring of these chimes helps clear your mind, purifies your energy, improves focus, and relieves all the negativity around and within.


Various types of drums are used in sound healing therapy. These drums are known to release both mental and physical tension.

Playing these drums at a steady pace can provide very soothing effects on the mind, body, and emotions. Drums in meditation also lead to greater efficiency and coherence of brain function.


Rattles are an instrument consisting of many resonant objects enclosed in a container when shaken produce sound.

This instrument can help to stop your mind from wandering during meditation and bring its focus back to the present. Its sound is close to the sound of raining water.

It can fill you with peace, contentment, and gratitude.

Crystal Bowls

Crystal Bowl is a delicate instrument that produces an appealing sound when played with a mallet around its surface. It rebalances the natural vibratory frequency of your mind, body, and soul.

Some studies have shown its sound can help improve the neurological system, brain function, circulatory system, heartbeats, etc.

Our Experience at Gmantra

dr prem and team expriencing Sound Bathing therapyThe ambiance was perfect. Before the session began, we were asked to lie down on mats provided to us with our eyes closed. A comfy cushion and a blanket added to our comfort. After lying down in our comfortable positions, Gayatri, the owner of Gmantra, and our therapist began guiding us.

I personally feel that she did a great job at keeping all our senses engaged in the sounds throughout the session. Her guided instructions helped us to catch the energy and power of every instrument played one after the other. Our group sound bathing session started with the loud echoing sound of the gong. Somehow, this captivating and strong sound sent the signal to my entire body to enter into a meditational state.

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Many different and unique instruments were used. Some were intense and some were soft in tone, but each of them had deep effects on our minds, bodies, and souls. One instrument that I would like to emphasize is the ‘Ocean Drum’ which produced the sound of sea shores. I won’t be wrong if I say, it took us all to our favorite beach spots and provided an incredible feeling of serenity.

After completely immersing in sound, my entire body felt super light and far away from any negativities and pains. It was impossible to dwell on the worries and stress of life. Although we were resting in a meditational state for an hour, I wasn’t aware of how cold the room got till the session ended. I realized it after I opened my eyes and was out of deep relaxation. Thanks to Gmantra for offering a hot cup of tea for some warmth.

Post the session, we all sat together and discussed our experiences. While some of our team members traveled to their favorite happy places, some were mesmerized by the vibrations and enjoyed the calm. It was a unique experience for all. I would definitely recommend you try this therapy.

Gmantra provides you with Sound Bathing at a cost-efficient price. Both group and individual sessions are offered here. Each sound instrument had a unique design and special way of playing. Honestly, I did not realize how time flew here.

Here are some experiences expressed by our team:

Dr Prem with the team at GmantraMihir Gawankar –“When I entered the studio, the unique fragrance of candies instantly made me comfortable. I felt exceptional relaxation throughout the session. I would love to take my mother here for this experience”.

Drashti Mehta – “The sound of every instrument was so authentic and blissful. At one point, I felt like my soul was floating above my body and released all the tensions away”

Bharat Jha – “The session uplifted my mood and made me feel warmth and positivity within.”

Desh Sharma – “The sound bath at Gmantra was like a soothing dive into some unexplored realms of my subconscious self. With all sorts of amazing sounds, the only thing that I could sense was absolutecalm.”

Shailesh Patil –“It was the most incredible experience I’ve ever had. I think I had the most peaceful sleep of my life after the session.”

Devanshi Parekh – “The ambiance was aesthetic and peaceful. Sound bath at Gmantra is definitely something one must visit after a hectic day to get back to a relaxed state.”

Dhruv Rajani – “All my senses were filled with vibrations of the sounds played one after the other. It calmed the chaos in me and all I could feel was peace”

What are the Benefits of Sound Bathing?

Aura body layers, spiritual energy vector illustration diagram with seven chakras.

  • Lowers blood pressure and heart rate
  • Improves mood
  • Helps in pain management
  • Reduces risk of coronary artery disease
  • Reduces risk of strokes
  • Provides spiritual enhancement
  • Connects the body, mind, and soul
  • Improves sleep
  • Balances chakras
  • Improves energy levels
  • Calms and soothes the mind

Words from Gmantra – Gayatri Singh

Words from Gmantra – Gayatri SinghBeing a certified usability analyst, I have worked for various Digital Agencies. However, my passion and interest were dedicated to meditation, which is why I decided to enter this field. A lot of determination and education led me to become a certified therapist of sound healing. Nothing made me happier than to see the calm and equilibrium that sound healing can provide.

Especially after helping people to reduce anxiety, and negative emotions during the Covid times, I decided to offer sound healing meditation to a wider audience. This is what gave birth to my studio “Gmantra”. I was divinely guided into this beautiful journey. I wish more people should take advantage of it for their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.Dr Prem and team receiving the sound bath at Gmantra

Gayatri Singh the certified therapist

The perfect ambiance at Gmantra

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Gayatri Singh the certified therapist of sound healing

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