Principles of Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga is based on simple principles and it basically means Yoga of Action. Karma Yoga is a way of purifying the heart as it teaches you to act selflessly without the hope of rewards. While detaching yourself from the fruits of what you have done, you are thus said to have offered them to God. This helps you get rid of ego and increase focus.

Principles of Karma Yoga

Keep the Right Attitude

It is important to understand that your attitude counts as much as your action. A karma yoga job is essentially one that is done in a way that treats work as worship and this is the underlying essence of Karma Yoga. Swami Sivananda advises us to “give your hands to work, and keep your mind fixed at the lotus feet of the Lord.”

Right Motive

It is important to ensure that your motive behind doing the work is right and pure. A lot of people work for the sole purpose of recognition, merit and fame. Hence, Karma Yoga helps people to look at work in a way that it is not equated with reward or remuneration.

Observance of Duty

Hindu scriptures say that duty is righteousness, and by not performing our duties, we are not being true to our self. Hence, it is important to listen to our inner self who guides us and helps us see life in a positive way.

Doing your best

No matter what, it is important to do your best. Never shirk from finding out the best way possible and never fear criticism or feel hesitant in working hard. Do not perform a job in a bad manner just because you are not being supervised. Treat your work with care and do your best.

Each job is to be done differently

Each task or skill requires some teacher to impart the knowledge. Hence, each job has things peculiar to it in terms of skills, focus, time and experience. Be disciplined and do your task well.


Swami Sivananda is the one who founded Karma Yoga as he said that each human being or Yogi has four basic elements- mind, body, heart and intellect. “Karma Yoga is the selfless devotion of all inner as well as the outer activities as a Sacrifice to the Lord of all works, offered to the eternal as Master of all the soul’s energies and austerities.”

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