Utthan Pristhasana – Know the ins and outs of Lizard Pose aka Utthan Pristhasana


Folks, especially office workers who need to sit at their desks all day often complain about hip flexors or tight hips. While it is largely attributable to lack of physical exertion at workplaces, things get worse when we cannot find time for a regular, 5-minutes workout. Those who belong to this category should make the Lizard Pose a part of their lives. Also called as Utthan Pristhasana, the Lizard Pose doesn’t take too much of your time or effort. However, you need to be aware of the steps involved, the benefits and the precautionary measures if you want to reap the rich benefits of this yoga pose.


  1. First, you need to start with the Downward Facing Dog pose. Now bring your right foot forward until it is between your palms. Keep your hands on the floor.
  2. Now bring your left knee and elbows to the floor. You may rest your hands on the mat with palms facing down or, if it suits you, you can bring your hands together as in Prayer Position.
  3. Keep squeezing your right knee toward your upper body and lowering your hips toward the floor while focusing on a point in front of you.
  4. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds and then, repeat this exercise on the other side.


Aside from allowing yogis to relax their hips, the Lizard Pose also helps them stretch their hamstrings and thighs.

Tips and Precautions

  1. If necessary, you may use a block under your elbows to decrease the pressure.
  2. If you find it difficult to raise either of your legs, you may consider dropping the respective knee to the floor or mat.
  3. Those suffering with elbow, ankle or foot injuries should avoid this pose.

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