Integrative medicine can be beneficial for cancer patients

Young beautiful lying on a table at spa salon.

Every year cancer kills millions of people worldwide and it accounts for an approximate 13% death around the world annually. It can affect any part of the body and spreads easily to the other parts. Doctors and scientists have not yet found a definite cure for cancer but lifestyle changes and proper care at early stages can defeat this vile disease. Many cancer patients have turned towards integrative medicine with the hope of getting better healthcare. Integrative medicine is a branch of medicine that combines many different types of treatments from separate branches of medicine to provide the best possible healthcare to the patients. Integrative medicine utilizes the different treatments and therapies offered by alternative medicine and conventional medicine to treat cancer patients and give them relief from the pain and discomfort associated with this disease.

Breast Cancer

Conventional medicine only looks at the apparent symptoms of the disease and the treatments are focused on curing only these symptoms without any thoughts spared for the way the disease affects the psychological and spiritual states of the individual. Integrative medicine takes into account the physical, psychological and spiritual consequences of cancer and provides necessary care accordingly.

There are more than 100 different types of cancers and the intensity of the disease varies from person to person. Integrative medicine has an individualistic perspective and prescribes different alternative and conservative treatments for different cancer patients. The integrative practitioners ask the patients various questions regarding their lifestyle, work and habits to evaluate their condition.

Acupuncture Concept

Integrative medicine does not believe in curing the apparent symptoms of disease but strives to strengthen the immunity system of the patients from within so they can defeat cancer more easily. Integrative medicine suggests lifestyle and dietary changes for battling cancer. Processed foods, saturated fats and tobacco increases the chances of cancer and are harmful for our body. Regular intake of Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, calcium and vitamin D through foods help cancer patients get better health faster.

The distressing side effects of chemo therapy and radiation can be countered with the help of alternative therapies like acupuncture, music therapy, meditation and massage therapy. Even guided imagery can be used to reduce the feeling of pain in cancer patients. Integrative medicine does not give more importance to alternative therapies for treating cancer. It merges conventional and alternative therapies to put up a better defense against cancer.

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