How Yoga helps kids get ready for school

father and son doing yoga

From a societal perspective, even little children go through a certain degree of stress, as a malefic byproduct of our modern challenges and unhealthy completions. However, fortunately, Yoga, in its collective nature, not only caters to our physicality but also our psychological needs. In this regard, some basic Yoga inspired notions can seriously prepare your child to alleviate that level of stress, especially before school hours.

Breathing to feel better

A pretty simple exercise that doesn’t make its way into the limelight, breathing can actually be very helpful in mitigating tension. So, if your child is going through some emotional difficulty in coping up with the starting school hours, you can always ask him to take deep breathing breaks. A few of those during the day can free up his mind for better concentration.

Focusing exercise

Since we are talking about improving concentration, the ‘drishti’ trick can certainly enhance your child’s core focus. Drishti in Sanskrit translates to vision, and thus fixating your vision on a singular object increases the intensity of your focus. This simple idea is found in many asanas like the Mountain and Lotus pose; and each of such easy postures can help your child with sharpened concentration.

The company of the child

The school years of a child are an important part of his formative years. In this regard, the company he keeps helps in defining (to a certain degree) his own personality and preferences. So, as a parent you should make your child aware of the friends he should interact with. At the same time, you should also inculcate in him that level of freedom, which helps in expressing his personal convictions.

Deal with bullies compassionately

Bullies may come across that quintessentially one-dimensional brash and bad guy in our pop culture like movies and sitcoms. However, from an unbiased perspective, the personality disorder of such bullies may have been borne out of some traumatic experience in their childhood. In this regard, always ask your child not to be aggressive or disdainful to such kids. Maybe they would turn into real friends when treated with compassion and understanding.

Inculcate curiosity

Curiosity may kill the cat, but it has generally led to greater knowledge among humans. So, always try to indoctrinate your child with that fascinating quality of inquisitiveness. A beginner’s mind is filled with unparalleled imagination, and as a parent it is your job to give wings to such imagination. This can only augur well for the child, as his mind is being developed with a will to learn more.

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