Navasana – Know the ins and outs of Full Boat Pose or Navasana


More often than not, we see people with abdominal and spinal problems trying to find workable solutions for their quandary and eventually, they seek yogic guidance for availing the much-needed refuge. The Boat Pose aka Full Boat Pose, Navasana or Paripurna Navasana is one such yoga solution that builds abdominal strength, strengthens your legs and finally provides vitality to your lower back. However, for reaping the rich benefits of this seemingly difficult yoga pose, you need to be very sure about the exact method of doing it, related advantages and some cautions as well.

Here’s a brief tutorial that leads you through various steps to master the Full Boat Pose or Paripurna Navasana:

Steps Involved

1. Be seated on the floor or yoga mat. Your fingers should point toward your feet. Lean back a little so that your lower and upper back is aligned in a straight line.

2. Pull your legs toward your upper body. Your hands should be on the floor pointing toward your feet.

3. Bring your arms forward so that they are parallel to the floor or the yoga mat.

4. While making sure that your back is in a straight position, start stretching your legs and feet. You need to be very sure about the position of your arms. They should be parallel to the floor.

5. If you find it difficult to maintain the perfect balance, you may focus on an imaginary or an actual point. Further, keep inhaling and exhaling to relax during the pose.


1. As discussed in the beginner, Navasana strengthens your abdomen, spine and hip flexors.

2. It helps you relieve stress and improves digestion as well.

3. Finally, since it stimulates prostrate glands, thyroid and kidneys aside from above discussed benefits, it’s the perfect yoga pose to build core strength.


1. People with asthma, diarrhea, headache, heart problems, insomnia, low blood pressure and neck injury should avoid Navasana or Full Boat Pose.

2. Navasana should be avoided during menstruation.

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