How yoga can help you avoid sports related injuries


Some of us who are ardent sport enthusiasts would know about the common occurrence of injuries encountered by both amateurs and professionals. These injuries more often than not are directly related to the strain factor that is caused due to ‘overuse’ of our body, which sometimes supersedes its capacity. Fortunately, there are a few Yoga poses that can correct and balance both our stamina and our posture for a more enhanced sporting capability. In this regard, let us go through some of the common sports related injuries and their effective Yoga cure.

1. Hip Pain

Most of the prevalent hip pains encountered during playing sports is due to the sudden strain and release of pressure on the hips (like in football), or due to jolting motion on the hips (like during running). To correct such situations, first you need to relaxingly lie down and go through some breathing pattern. After that you can go through some of these Yoga poses – Pigeon Pose, Hero Pose, Frog Pose and Forward Bend while Standing.

2. Hamstring Pull

Perhaps one of the most common and frustrating injuries faced by sportspersons in high impact sports, this condition results due to the tightness factor of the hamstring group of muscles (as opposed to a single muscle). In fact, the muscle group has more comparative strength than the majority of muscles of your body, and as such it takes more time to fully heal. Some Yoga poses that can come in handy during recuperation period are – different types of Forward Bends like Straddle, Wall Lean along with the Plow Pose.

3. Knee Injury

This is another injury that is indirectly related to the malfunctioning of hips. Knee joints in themselves are pretty vulnerable, especially when the strains are not mitigated by our hips and thus find their way through a path of least resistance to our knees. Thus the Yoga poses needed to correct this condition are actually beneficial for our hips, like – Pigeon Pose, Double Pigeon Pose and Frog Pose.

4. Shoulder Pain

Shoulder joints can be considered as even weaker cousins to the hip joints. Hence, they are more susceptible to dislocations, impingements and alteration of alignments. In this regard, it is very important to stretch and warm up our shoulders before taking part in any sporting activity. As expected, the Yoga poses also corresponding stretching and strengthening exercises like – Wall Walks, Eagle Pose, Shoulder Stretches and Plank Poses.

5. Lower Back Pain

Back Pains are directly related to the ‘tightness’ condition of our hamstring muscles. In fact, when the hamstrings are tight, they tend to pull upon the pelvis region, thus making it difficult for us to stay upright. Moreover, low capacity abdominal muscles also result in a much weaker back. In this regard, the Yoga poses for strengthening and flexing your back are – Forward Bends, Seated Twists and Boat Pose.

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