Connectedness, mutual receptiveness and hence, a deeper understanding of the whole universe – Tantric Yoga transcends the limits of earthly associations and transfers your soul into a territory where heavenly bliss showers upon all those who practice this purest form of yoga. When you start practicing Tantric Yoga with your partner rather than doing it alone, it helps you enjoy each other’s presence. Moreover, as you make prolonged eye contact, you start reciprocating to each other’s positive vibes.
Here are a few Tantric Yoga poses which you should try to make that bond stronger than it was ever before:
In this position, what one of the partners needs to do is lie on his back so that the other could stand next to him while looking into the former’s eyes. The partners don’t need to utter a word. Instead, they may place their hands over each other’s hearts to feel the soothing sound of heartbeats. Later, they may shift their focus on each other’s breathing pattern. Definitely, it’s a sensuous, relaxing and harmonious way of doing yoga.
Yab Yum
While one partner sits cross-legged, the other partner sits on the lap of other partner and crosses his/her ankles behind the other partner’s back. Now, each partner has to maintain a straight posture by using his/her abdominal and low back muscles. Next, partners touch each other’s foreheads. In this position, partners may feel each other’s breath.
Dancer’s Pose
Starting with a standing posture wherein both partners may make a direct eye contact, this pose eventually leads both partners to a dancing position. While one of your hands touches your ankle, your other hand holds one of your partner’s hands. Next, you have to lean your upper body towards your partner while bringing your leg up behind you. Eye contact and body balance is the key while practicing this position.
Boat Pose
For those who wish to strengthen their lower back and abdominal muscles, nothing could be more inviting and beneficial than the Boat Pose. This pose requires partners to sit on a yoga mat while facing each other; next, they stretch out their hands to clutch the other partner’s hands and place the soles of their feet against their partner’s, and finally, they move their legs upward while making sure that soles of their feet remain connected during the process. Again, focus and eye contact is the mantra to gain perfection in the Tantric Yoga Pose.