Bee Pollen might be the solution to your persisting Acne problems


Nobody likes to look ugly and those who have been facing acne problems for long know this for sure. A skin disease that is mostly associated with teenagers can also affect adults equally though the chances of acne reduce tremendously with age. Acne has a number of symptoms such as scaly red skin, blackheads, whiteheads, pinheads, pimples and scarring. While some of you might be relying on a face to rid you of the ugly scars, others who are suffering more severely may even have to go for a cosmetic surgery. Meanwhile, bee pollen, which is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, seems to be the new natural solution to your acne problems.


Vitamins, minerals and skin health

The health of your skin might be determined by the efficient absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body. Most of the vitamins are known to contribute to a healthy skin and your diet determines how your body manifests these resources. Unfortunately, in our current lifestyle people are dependent on high-fat, fried junk food, which seems to only add to your problems further. Unsaturated fats of type Omega-6 build-up beneath the skin and eventually develop into pimple on coming in contact with polluted air.

Bee Pollen, the perfect food

There is a reason why Bee Pollen is enjoying such popularity. The use of natural bee pollen dates back to ancient Romans and Greeks, popularly known as, “the life giving dust”, and regarded as a source to youth. The reason being that bee pollen is highly nutritious food consisting of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium etc. You definitely don’t need your vitamin supplements after having them.

Rich source of fatty acids

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids play a crucial role in building healthy cells in the body. Bee Pollen can be good source for these fatty acids allowing you to rely less on oily food. Bee Pollen just offers you the right balance of these fatty acids to avoid acne outbreaks.


Rich source of Lecithin

Lecithin is extracted by bees from the plant tissues and plays an important role in absorption of fatty acids. Better absorption of fatty acids can help you quickly recover from acne as it accelerates the growth of new skin cells. Usually excessive fatty acids coagulate within the skin and may even trigger acne problems.

Bee Pollen is a rich source of Vitamin B

Among all types of vitamins Vitamin B is known to be crucial for healthy skin. Vitamin B-3 and B-5 are crucial for healthy skin and bee pollen is a rich source of these vitamins. It helps in reducing inflammation and replenishing your skin.


Anti-oxidants are known to rid your skin of free radicals and to help repair skin cells. Bee Pollen provides you with the right levels of anti-oxidants to get rid of toxins in your body.

The above reasons are good enough to induce you into trying out bee pollen for your skin-related problems, though you need to choose wisely as number of bee pollen brand have emerged in the market. Also ensure that you’re not allergic to bee pollen before in intake.

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