Anorexia Nervosa Alternative Medicine

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa: Alternative Medicine

Top Alternative Medicine

1. Siberian ginseng

Ginseng, especially the Siberian variety, can benefit people with anorexia nervosa. It is often referred to as an adaptogen, a substance that helps to cope with physical and mental stress. It is beneficial for the overall physical health of anorexia nervosa patients. It improves muscle strength, which is severely impaired in people with eating disorders. Malnutrition severely weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of cold, flu, and other infections. Siberian ginseng strengthens the immune system. It is well tolerated. However, it should not be taken continuously for more than three months.

2. Creatine supplement

Anorexia nervosa causes muscle wasting, which can be treated with creatine supplements. Meat and fish are common dietary sources of creatine. However, at the early stage of treatment, anorexia patients can not consume large amounts of creatine rich foods. During such circumstances, creatine supplements can increase muscle mass and reduce weakness. Anorexia nervosa patients can consume 5 to 7 gm of creatine daily. Creatine supplements should be taken with meals. Carbohydrates in the food aid absorption of creatine in the gut. Creatine supplement is safe, and can be consumed continuously for up to six months. However, it is not recommended for people with kidney problems.

3. Milk thistle

Abnormally high levels of liver enzymes are often detected in anorexia nervosa patients. It is a sign of liver damage. Milk thistle is often recommended for restoring the normal functions of the liver. It contains a flavonoid called silymarin, which helps to repair the damaged liver cells. People diagnosed with anorexia nervosa can take 80 to 160 mg of milk thistle seed daily. Milk thistle is regarded a safe herb. However, it is not recommended for people allergic to daisies, ragweed, chrysanthemum, yarrow, chamomile and marigold, and women with a history of hormone sensitive cancers. Anorexia nervosa patients on antipsychotic drugs should consult their doctors before consuming milk thistle.

4. Fenugreek

Shunning food for a long time leads to appetite loss in anorexia nervosa patients. Restoring the appetite helps an anorexic person to increase calorie intake. Fenugreek is a time tested home remedy for stimulating appetite. The bitter components in fenugreek are believed to increase appetite by stimulating secretion of stomach acid, digestive juices and saliva. Anorexia nervosa patients can take 250 to 500 mg of fenugreek daily. Fenugreek supplements or tea should be used with caution by diabetics.

5. Gentian

Another herb that can improve appetite is gentian. Bitter herbs are most effective in stimulating appetite, and gentian is one of the bitterest herbs on the planet. Gentian owes its bitter taste primarily to the compounds amarogentin and gentiopicrin. Twenty drops of gentian tincture should be taken fifteen minutes before meal. If you cannot tolerate the bitter taste, you can dilute the tincture with water or fruit juice. Gentian is considered safe when taken for a short period. Occasionally it can cause heartburn and worsen peptic ulcer pain.

6. Biofeedback

Mental stress is one of the key causes of this eating disorder. Excess anxiety of gaining weight forces a person to avoid foods. Through biofeedback, an anorexic person is trained to control various body processes such as muscle tension, blood pressure and heart rate. The mental exercises that a person learns during the process help to relax the mind. There is no adverse side effect of biofeedback. Each biofeedback session lasts for about an hour. It usually takes 10 to 20 biofeedback sessions to notice the effect of the treatment.

7. Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy can be used for treating anorexia nervosa. It helps to boost the self esteem of a person obsessed with body image. Although, at the subconscious level an anorexic person wants to become physically and emotionally healthy, they need some external help to overcome their fear and anxiety. Hypnotherapy addresses the root cause of the problem. Once the emotional condition of a person improves, he/she can regain their normal eating habits. However, hypnosis is not equally effective for every anorexic person. It depends on the person’s emotional state and personality.

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