Red Meat: We were meant to eat it

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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This is an interesting print advertisement campaign launched in Australia to promote red meat. The campaign named, the Red Meat Instinct, aimed to establish link of the meat-eating habits of Australian families with evolutionary theory. The advertisements are showing a man, a woman and a child eating red meat in order to focus on the fact that how much it is liked in Australia, cutting across different age groups.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The presentation of these advertisements is quite compelling and effective as it successfully portrays that people in Australia actually like red meat. In addition, the campaign aims to establish the fact that red meat is helpful in growth of intelligence of a person while saying the habit of eating red meat is directly linked to the evolution of human kind.

Moreover, Peta activists might frown upon these advertisements if they happen to come across it. The punch line of the campaign reads, ‘Red Meat: We were meant to eat it’.

Via Duncan’s Print

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