How to plan online monitoring

online monitoring
Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Online monitoring is the most vital part of any Public Relation and reputation management. However, you have to consider various things and follow few steps in order to construct an effective online monitoring plan. Your stakeholders and customers can also help you to identify your unauthorized competitors and help you to protect your brand against the online threat.

In this article, we will discuss about 10 steps of constructing a plan of online monitoring. You can either outline steps in house or outsource it to a vendor and law firm. These steps are as follows:

Step 1: Categorization of Incidents

It is the most important step, which includes the segmentation of major incidents. You can start the process by categorizing different incidents according to their priorities and then you can decide the appropriate course of follow up action.

Step 2: Abuse or threats

After categorizing incidents, you will be able to find out different types of online threats or abuse, which are affecting your brand. You can categorize the abuse according to their impacts and this can be done in a general grouping.

Step 3: Priority of the incidents

The next step that you should take is to prioritize the incidents, which will allow you to focus on available resources and determining the appropriate follow-up activity.

Step 4: Determination of Cost and Benefits

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You should consider all the legal considerations regarding your brand. You must consider that your brand does not come under any type of legal inquiries and not in the threat of any kind of legal offences.

Step 5: Assigning Responsibilities

The next step is assigning responsibilities of reviewing the data, internal communication and actions. For this, you have to select a responsible person who can take all these responsibilities and can handle the pressure as well as critical situations.

Step 6: Communication

Communication is very important for this purpose. In order to achieve the desired outcome, it is important to select the form of communication. The substance of communication largely depends on the nature of abuse and desired response.

Step 7: Approval

Before delivering the communication, you have to ensure that the appropriate parties must approve it.

Step 8: communication with the offender

Communication is as important as content so it is important to communicate with the offender.

Step 9: Analyzing and revisiting the incident

Before taking a follow up action, it is important to revisit the incident or the problem.

Step 10: Follow up action

After ensuring that all above steps, you can take the last but the most effective step that is the follow up action. This will help you to target the offender and protect your brand from abuse.


You need to follow all these steps in order to perform online monitoring. This will help you to protect your brand from abuse.

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