Outdoor ad whispers in your brain while you cross the road

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

brian hitter outdoor ad

At least this advertising effectiveness and measures are not visible by naked eye. It’s not responsible for visual pollution. But who knows, it may well be creating some contamination inside your skull. Skull? No they are not the Pirates of Caribbeans, this new form of outdoor advertising, in stead of making marry with skulls like Pirates, is only content to reach to your brain via radio waves and deliver the message right there with a bang.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

What’s the concept btw? There is this billboard ad (see picture) from Paranormal State for some A&E show. The billboard is attached by couple of speakers on its top; the speakers transmit sound waves that resonate against whatever they hit, when you enter into that specified zone that the speakers cover, the sound hits your head and you get the advertising message inside your brain.

Quite an astonishing idea equally astonishingly mashed up by the technology.

Only wonder, what health experts have to say on this. What would be the next batch of universities’ doctoral level students’ take on this? Till that time, let the show go on.

Wonder next what… a condom ad beaming towards…???!!!!

From Gawker

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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