New Zealand vodka ad offers Russian bride as prize

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

russian bride

Russian women living in New Zealand found one New Zealand vodka maker’s advertising offensive which is running a “Win a Russian bride” competition. The competition offers $8000 or a return trip to Moscow where the winner Kiwi man can join a “find-a-bride” tour.

The ad says,

“Let me tell you, those Russian women are awesome. They don’t care if you watch cricket on Valentine’s Day. Hell, they don’t even care if you’re short and fat. It’s almost too good to be true.”

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However, the statistics show Russian women are not exactly running after New Zealanders. Last year only 17 Russian women were granted New Zealand visas under a partnership visa policy between the countries last year.

One of the Russian women while calling the promotion degrading says women from Russia are not scrubbing floors only in New Zealand but they are highly educated with university degrees.

Via [Smh]

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