Man proposes to girl in a full page advertisement

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Ian Coetzee’s dreams were realized when a full page marriage proposal in the Beeld newspaper was accepted by Anita Mostert. Ian had spent more than R42,000 just to propose his dream girl via a full page advertisement.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The advertisement was featuring Ian Coetzee holding a huge bunch of red roses having the proposal written, ‘Anita my angel, Will you marry me?’ Anita was awestruck when she saw the newspaper in the morning and instantly accepted the proposal. However, they will tie their knot next year.

Coetzee’s wife Daphne was among the victim of tsunami, which had destroyed Phuket in 2004. Coetzee and his two sons, however, survived as they managed to scale a roof.

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