(M)ad effort for dog food scares the dog owners

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

wond dog hand

No, no Dog owners would want such a powerful dog that can rip off his hand.

Well, advertising, along with the product, sells sex, fun, and fear. This time, it is some kind of humorous fear.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

This advertising effort has been developed by <a href=", “>Mayo Draft FCB
Peru, to promote a dog food product as full of vitamins. So they selected a few dogs and tied up some fake human arms in their necks and exhibited them in places frequented by the dog owners.

Advertising Agency: <a href="”>Mayo Draft FCB, Peru

General Creative Directors: Ricardo Ortiz, Germán Garrido

Creative Director: Alejandro “Lato” La Torre

Art Director: Jorge Romero

Copywriter: Alejandro “Lato” La Torre

BTL Executive: Sandra Goicochea

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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