‘Jail set’ sends shock waves

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


The best way to describe a spade is spade. No other word is as effective as this word. This theory is applicable in advertising too. When you speak about ‘x’, tell that it is x’. Though, that Sincerity is sometimes a double-edged sword that will hurt both the target and the person(client)who handles it.

As an effort to make the world know about the pathetic situation in one of America’s prisons, a unique, shocking ambient work has been executed using the prison meal tray.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

More than 30.000 pictures of a disgusting prison meal tray were distributed at lunchtime in Paris eateries and brasseries (restaurants). This ambient promotional campaign for the show generated far more attention than the press and poster campaign that was launched concurrently.

As a result of this effort, the chain achieved its highest viewing figures since its foundation in 2001. Many articles were written mentioning the operation in the French daily press and in French magazines.

Via: directdaily

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