China: Ad spend lowest in three years

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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CTR Market Research reports, advertising spending in China compared to last three years only grew by 18% in 2005. Though not a less feat in any industry benchmark and especially in service specific advertising, this percentage actually is a no-show if you compare it with 2002, 2003, 2004 result. The curve is further to go down in 2006 with an expected 15% growth. But as we all know how statistics work, China’s advertising industry has entered into a period of not-so-slow and steady growth.

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Television and newspaper, the two largest and most favorite media formats of advertisers grew by 19% and negative 1% respectively.

Joy Wang, Deputy Manager of Media Intelligence for CTR told Interfax Credit Card and alcohol are two segments that will continue to lavishly spend in China in 2006.

Via [Interfax]

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