Advertise in in-games to reach teens

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

in game advertising

Chris Talk asks this question in adjab

Is it really news that teens are using cellphones, portable game or music players and other handheld devices more? Is it really all that far of a stretch to figure out that they’re using the web to a great extent to research things to do with or on these devices?

No wonder if you target teens and young adult consumers you will not advertise on 4th page of Financial Times. Do we really need heavyweight world renowned research and analysis firm like Forrester to find out as big finding as that?

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Significant percentages of consumers in the US and Canada between the ages of 12 and 21 are owners and users of entertainment-related consumer electronics…Over two-thirds of people in this age group own PCs, DVD players, home stereos, mobile phones or handheld devices.

Amazing, isn’t it.

Also, to spruce up viral marketing Forrester recommends retailers and marketers to include a feature called, guess what…’Tell a friend’..did you know that..I bet you didn’t know this…

But don’t blame research firms for it’s the big executives from big business houses who don’t take any spending decision (even they buy a brooch) without consulting a top research firm.

Via [emarketer]

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