Yoga asanas for avoiding everyday health troubles

Yoga asanas for avoiding health troubles
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Yoga doesn’t always have to be associated with those complex Ashtangas and other exotic poses. As a matter of fact, there are some forms of Yoga that can come in handy to prevent you from pretty simple health issues. In this regard, sprinkle your daily schedule with these facile exercises that work for both the amateurs and the aficionados.

1. Padmasana

A classic sitting pose, this posture helps in enhancing your composure from those lingering hangovers. The simple pose requires you to just firmly sit in a crossed legged manner (like a Sage), while you move your arms up above the navel region and then fold your palms. Finally, with your eyes closed you can relax into a meditative demeanor.

2. Ujjayi pranayama

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Another simplistic exercise for shooing away all the inner anxiety, this pose also requires you to sit straight with crossed legs in Padmasana. Then you need to place your right middle and index finger inside your right palm region. Now, you raise your right arm to put your ‘ring’ finger upon your left nostril, and then inhale for 4 counts. After that you close both your nostrils by putting your thumb upon your right nostril, and count up to 4 times. Finally, you free up your left nostril and let air for up to 4 counts. This alternate pattern has to be repeated for 5 times.

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3. Vajrasana

You start off by sitting straight (with spine upright and shoulders firm) and your legs stretched. Then you have to fold your legs so that your feet lie at the side of your thigh-butt region, while the gluteus (buttocks) is rested upon and between the heels. Now, you simply have to place your arms on your knees and keep up the pose for some time. The vintage posture will cure everything from irritating headaches to troubling constipations.

4. Chakrasana

A standing pose for mitigating backaches, the posture requires you to stand upright with your arms on the side. Now, you have to move your torso towards the right side, while you raise your right arm. Then you move your right arm downwards and slide it from your right thigh to your right heel. After an interval of 5 minutes, you then again repeat the exercise on your left side with your left arm.

5. Pavanmuktasana

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A preventive exercise that keeps check on your bloating, this effortless pose requires you lie straight and then fold and raise your knees (towards your upper body) in a slightly crossed manner. Then you need to work your shoulders and move your head towards the raised knees. This posture can be kept for around 5 seconds and then released.

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