Erdman therapy


Erdman therapy is an alternative therapy used for conditions like circulatory problems. The main aim of this therapy is to improve the rate at which blood flows through the body and thereby improves blood circulation.



Frederick Erdman helped in the recognition of individuals that fall into a group of circulatory problems, where their blood vessels are too dilated.



Erdman therapy is based on the concept that there are some circulatory differences in different individuals. This means that there are two groups of people based on the circulatory function.

In some people, the blood vessels are too constricted as they possess an excessively good tone of the vessel wall. Some measures like heat, massage, etc can help this condition.

On the other hand there are some people in whom the tone of the vessel wall is weak and hence the blood vessels are too dilated. In these cases, cold applications are found to be helpful.

Erdman therapy is based on the principle that heat application cause vasodilatation and is used in such conditions, whereas cold application causes vasoconstriction and is used in cases that require the same.



In case of vasoconstriction, heat is applied to the body for a specific duration as per the instructions. In case of vasodilatation, cold application is given with the help of melting ice wrapped in a towel.


Safety first

Special care must be taken to avoid burns in both types of application and continuous monitoring is advised. Additional care needs to be taken in case of patients suffering from conditions with reduced sensations.



Erdman therapy is found effective in conditions like headaches, migraines, dizziness, epilepsy, hyperactivity, anxiety, being oversensitive to temperatures, difficulty in concentration, fainting and fatigue.

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