Anodyne therapy

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Over many years, light has been popular for its biological effects. Light has also been used at certain wavelength in order to produce the desirable effects on human body cells. Anodyne therapy is kind of light therapy, where light at certain wavelength is used to help in relieving pain and stiffness. The name Anodyne therapy is derived from the word “anodyne”, which means a treatment to relieve pain. It is also known to improve blood circulation and promote healing.

It has been clinically proven to improve local circulation and relieve pain. It is used in addition to physiotherapy in cases that need relief from pain. It is also widely used in clinics, hospitals and in home care facilities under guidance.  It is a non-invasive method and is used locally over the pain area.


About Anodyne therapy

In Anodyne therapy, the light energy that is used is monochromatic infrared photo energy or MIRE. During this therapy procedure, photon energy is produced. This releases a free radical called nitric oxide in the body cells. This is particularly a strong vasodilator and is known to help in improving circulation and promote healing.

Various studies are conducted and have proved that Anodyne therapy is useful in relieving pain to a great extent. Many more studies are still in progress in this respect.



In anodyne therapy, infrared light is used. There are pads that emit this light and they need to be applied with direct contact to the skin. The surface of the skin should be cleaned and checked properly. As the skin sensitivity varies from person to person, the intensity of the infrared light should be adjusted accordingly.

By applying therapy pads over the painful area the infrared light is allowed to penetrate into body tissues and promote healing. It generally gives a feeling of warmth and helps in relieving pain. The response of patients differs from person to person. Some may feel better in just few sessions while some may take a longer time.

Anodyne therapy does not use any electrical current and can be used with metal implants and pacemakers on the body.



There are various ailments in which infrared therapy can be helpful. Some of these are:

  • Conditions that require improvement in local blood circulation. For example, vascular diseases, diabetes, etc;
  • Conditions that cause pain, stiffness and muscle spasms. For example, injuries, acute pain, swelling, etc;
  • Ailments like myofacial pain, tendonitis, bursitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.



The use of Anodyne therapy is restricted in certain conditions. It should not be used over or near;

  • Any active malignant tumors.
  • Any pain patches or their remnants.
  • Any local heating or cooling agents applied over the skin.
  • Womb of a pregnant lady.


Safety First

Although there are no side effects reported with the use of infrared therapy,

  • Special caution must be taken to avoid burns to the skin surface where the therapy pads are applied. The wavelength and settings of the infrared energy should be adjusted accordingly and monitored during the procedure.
  • During the therapy as the blood circulation increases it is advisable that the patients have eaten and maintained their blood glucose levels. Special attention needs to be taken for diabetic patients and regular monitoring of blood glucose is a must.

Anodyne therapy must be used carefully, under proper guidance and supervision of the specialists. The therapy must be monitored throughout the entire procedure.

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