You just finished your first ad?

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

brother dots 72

No, I won’t be interested. It might tickle my curiosity, but I doubt it that I would go for it. I am speaking about this print campaign for Brother Ad School, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This self-promotion effort neither lures the students nor does it make any creatively healthy statements.

Indeed, the ads are based on logical thinking, to a great extent. But, prospective madmen are n ot expected to always embrace logics. They should be crazy sometimes.

First ad asks the reader to complete a message by connecting the dots.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The ad says to the kid- See? You just finished your first ad.

Second ad, the reader is asked to complete the message by marking an x in the boxes indicated

Then it says- Done. Now you’re part of the credits for an idea.
See? You just finished your first ad.


Advertising School: Brother Ad School, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Art Director: Breno Costa

Copywriter: Guilherme Souza

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Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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