Women are projected as sex objects in China: Survey

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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This is no news. Women and sex sell in advertising. All over the world. Throughout the ages. China’s Women Reporter Association has reviewed almost 5000 advertisements in China’s ten leading channels and has come out with facts which are in any way not very surprising either to the world or the general people. The report says women are particularly favored by ads and most the women models are shown through close up scenes while showcasing their treasures. It also has ranked top sex discriminating ad and top gender awareness ad for 2005,

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in line with rules including whether females also have independent social strength, whether they misinform children about sex, and whether women have well-rounded characters instead of being fragile and demanding of care.

Now that the survey is done we would definitely like to know how China’s Women Reporter Association further takes up the issue.

Via [ChinaDaily]

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