United Nations: Peace is fragile

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

un grenade peace is fragile 25

This print advertisement was launched by United Nations to remind people that how precarious peace has become that can be broken with utmost ease these days. The advertisement simply aims at how delicate and tough is to maintain peace in the present world. The advertisement showing porcelain made hand grenade which has been painted with white color along with floral design to depict peace. The idea seems to show that the peace was decorated on the grenade which can be blown anytime.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The advertisement is unquestionably based on a bright idea that helped the message to reach people in an effective manner. The presentation of the advertisement is extremely simple and straight leaving no ambiguity about what it wants to convey. The punch line was printed on the ring of the pin of the grenade which reads, ‘Peace is Fragile’, to show it vulnerable. The advertisement was created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Sydney.

Via: Duncan’s Print

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