This ad plays with visuals

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

conservation int press

There are some ads where playing with visuals is used to convey the idea. This ad for also belongs to that group, and we should say that it cleverly plays with the visual to convey the idea clearly.

The print ad, developed by Grey, Jakarta, says us- When coral reefs disappear, mankind will follow. Visit to see how you can help.

Well, what we can see from this ad is coral reefs. But, when we take a closer look, we can see many hands that make us remember some scenes from a disaster movie.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Another recent advertising effort which played with visuals: tiny dogs and sneakers between the nails


Advertising Agency: Grey, Jakarta, Indonesia

Executive Creative Director: Ali Shabaz

Creative Director: Agus Arbana

Art Director:
Johan Wangarrij

Copywriter: Abimanyu Satrio

Account: Saiful Anwar, Poppy, Juria Haruni

Via: I believe in advertising

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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