The Axe effect. It’s true?

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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So, all those claims were true? Will showering in Axe gel shower me with more girls? Is the Axe effect true? Oh, that is what this survey indicates indirectly and directly. But guys, I think that you don’t have to rush to the next store to buy an Axe product. Take your own time, for the survey has been conducted by AXE and the Sports and Leisure Research Group.

Oh, guys, imagine how all those girls around you chases you with crazy hunger in their eyes- at hotels, colleges, parks, everywhere…

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The survey, which has been conducted across six college campuses presents some tempting ‘results’ like- The majority of girls (81%) said they’d be more willing to shower at a guy’s apartment if he had AXE Shower Gel in his shower (as opposed to bar soap).

Notice the words in bracket.

Most guys said they smelled better (90%) after using AXE Shower Gel than they did after using bar soap alone.


Via: Adrants

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