
Knowing more about your niche business area and the strategies of your competitors is always helpful for you to enhance your online marketing efforts. Competitive intelligence gives you a chance to gain a competitive edge in the market. Gaining more […]

Mobile apps are becoming quite popular nowadays with the increase in use of smart phones and if you are planning to launch a mobile app then planning proper marketing for the same and developing it as a brand is important.

Nowadays, there are more perceptive consumers than ever before and traditional form of branding that starts with a brand name, such as BMW, and then forms a linkage with services like safety and careful drivers is becoming less effective. Due

Brand has grown to mean much more than a name and logo. Branding begins with the constancy of appearance that becomes the identity of an organization or company. The subject of branding attracts a lot of professional attention these days,

Brand represents your company or product and also relates to your business reputation. You must think global, regional or local while establishing or developing your brand. This will depend on your company’s plan related to market. Considerations must be given

Branding and advertising both are important and different faces of a complete marketing strategy. Every company and organization use branding to create a look and message to them that will be remembered by the consumers. Advertising is used to convey

Suppose you are practicing shooting, then what will be coming first; whether pressing the trigger or taking the aim? Everyone will agree that taking the aim will be the first step. This answer comes to mind quite naturally, when we

Today social media is an integral part of every marketing strategy. Now it is necessary for every business to have its presence in all major social media sites such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. There are millions of users on

A strong brand is very important for marketing products of a company. In this age of virtual world, more and more companies are now interested in online presence of their brand. However, just opening a sleek website or catchy slogan

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