Real Supermarket: There is a bit of Santa Clause in each of us

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

This television advertisement was launched by Real Supermarket with a view to boost sale during Christmas season. While keeping Christmas as the basic theme the advertisement shows a woman with thick beard and mustache reminding the traditional Santa Clause. The woman featuring in the ad was shown traveling to the store casually as if there was no beard and mustache on her face.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The presentation of the advertisement is undoubtedly unique and fresh, however, the product benefit is no where in sight. Therefore, the advertisement will fumble to get fit into consumer’s insight. The advertisement despite its unique presentation it lacks punch to be engaging and compelling.

The copy of the ad reads, ‘There is a bit of Santa Clause in each of us’. The ad is credited to Graffiti BBDO Bucharest.

Via Adverbox

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