Pay for ad only when it works

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Eliminate all guesswork from advertising. Eliminate all the florescent presentations from business executives. This must be on the top of every advertiser’s wish list. Advertise, don’t pay. Pay only when customer buys something. Sounds crazy? Some technology entrepreneurs believe that they have an answer to this. They are creating a software in which online advertisers instead of paying on clicks will actually pay when they will receive a phone enquiry or in some cases actual sale.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The appeal of the technology is pretty easy to understand. When only 3% of click results in sales 30% of phone calls lead to a sale. Bill Leak, CEO of Leads Customers Sales says people would certainly instead of paying $1 for a click will pay $10 for a phone call.

Via [Inc]

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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