Padma, naughty with her meat pie

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Watch what Padma Lakshmi did to that meat pie from Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr.

She eats the meat pie!

She sensitively handles the whole affair, and never wants to ‘leave any evidence behind’. When she opens her mouth to take her first bite of the burger, it shows hunger. During the process, the burger drips its sauce on her lower leg.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Mouthwatering? Isn’t? What? Hey, man. I mean the burger. You aught to listen to the fine details. Do not forget that it is an ad for Hardees ‘Western bacon thick burger’.

The ad presents the sensuous art of eating. Padma Lakshmi does it with big mastery.

Good ad for Padma Lakshmi. But I think that poor meat roll is the only object that gets the least care.

Via: Adweek

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