Newsquest group accepts ads from BNP, NUJ not amused

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In Britain, a fresh row is gearing up over the regional newspaper publisher Newsquest’s bid to accept advertising from British National Party(BNP). The move has invited much criticism from many, including The National Union of Journalists(NUJ).The advertisements were appeared on some of the websites owned by the group.

NUJ General Secretary Jeremy Dear says that Newsquest should be ashamed of itself for taking money from an organization that advocates racist policies. The video ads, which appeared in the right-hand column of some websites, have contained a message saying “British jobs for British workers”.

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A number of left wing blogs has also taken the issue, releasing strong criticism over the paper’s decision.

But Newsquest defends their move saying that it would be wrong to “selectively discriminate” against political parties in the run-up to an election.


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