Neil French male chauvinist debate: Women and advertising

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

women in advertising Be it woman in advertising or advertising picture woman suddenly everybody is waken up to this issue, thanks to Neil French for his sexist remarks (at least in a way he has raised some awareness).

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Today I’ve found out an amazing site via ad rant called about face which fights not only advertising violence against woman but also ‘promotes positive self esteem in girls and women of all ages, sizes, races and backgrounds…’
The most robust part of the site is mentioning the exact facts and figures against a particular copy. For example, the image above (Calvin Klein Jeanes) is kind of whipped out by the following facts. Take a look.

7% of girls grades 5th-8th and 12% of girls grades 9th-12th said they had been sexually abused. (Commonwealth Fund Survey of the Health of Adolescent Girls, 1998.)

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