Life’s short, get a divorce

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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divorce life is short 25
This racy billboard advertisement launched by a law firm in Chicago that specializes in domestic law caused such uproar that city workers stripped it from its downtown perch after a week. The billboard featured a slogan, ‘Life’s Short. Get a Divorce’, which was grossly considered inappropriate. The phrase was created by lawyers Corri Fetman and Kelly Garland that attracted fierce criticism from neighbors and from other attorneys who said it reflected poorly on their profession. Other lawyers who work in the same field condemned the billboard, saying it trivialized divorce.

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In the meanwhile, a complaint has also been filed against the advertisement. However, experts are of the view that the bar committee seldom takes action on lawyers advertising because of the constitutional issues involved, except a clear misrepresentation is involved. On the other hand, the law firm in the question has said that said that calls to the firm have gone up dramatically since the billboard went up last week.


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