Karstadt Quelle Insurance: for dental implant

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

ibowl 25

This is a smart example of outdoor advertisement campaign using the bowling as the basic concept for dental insurance purposes. Apparently the campaign was strategically to design in such a manner that it would hit the customers directly. Often this kind of idea clicks and have long lasting imprint of the ad, however, it would be very difficult to ascertain the extent of effect as it was placed in such a place where young visitors who at times do not pay heed to this kind of work.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

However, the concept of the ad and its execution is absolutely brilliant and exceptional. The advertisement has been kept very straight while disclosing the cost of the insurance and the phone number for the people who are interested. The ad has been credited to Jung Von Matt, Hamburg. The agency has nicely dressed up the bowling alley.

Via Creative Criminal

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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