Jim Pruett’s Gun and Ammo ad: Controversy as advertising technique

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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How important is it for an advert to keep social concerns in mind or in other words should ads shrug off their responsibility towards society. These questions are relevant regarding Jim Pruett’s Guns and Ammo ad aired in the radio in the Texas area. The ad says – Buy them cheap. Bury them deep. It has a more political inkling in the message – Come this November, many could be incarcerated if a bunch of naïve voters elect misguided, anti-gun politicians to office. While these words might be overtly meant to attract prospective customers to the store by creating a controversy, but given the latest spree of violence created by gun totting teenagers in school and college campuses of the country, there should have been some sanity in the advert.

Via: Wlbz2

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