Dubai Sports City ads

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing





One thing is sure that the Dubai Sports City is not trying to imitate the classical Athens Olympics stadium as this ad taking sports where it was originally played. The most striking aspect of the ad is its photography, which is boasting a brand new concept of the sports. The ad effectively displayed that the playground meant for sports have been occupied by other activities conveying sports has moved to some other place, may be Dubai Sports City.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Looking at the pictures, there are people who can make judgment that Dubai has perhaps sensed that Americans are coming to invade them or they have lost their energy reservoir, pushing them back to ages. Anyways, it was just a humorous take on the advertisement.

The ad actually has the potential attract attention of people as the sport has been defined in a very innovative way. However, the ad depicting the golf course may not be a sight of Dubai. Justifying the ad there is complimentary strap line, ‘Sports has moved to a new play ground’.

Via Ads of the World

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