Creativity goes to the dogs, hilariously

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

calmdog granny

A dog is not just a dog, it is a sign. It is a sign of your personal choices and a reflection of your aesthetic/behavioral preferences. In such a field like advertising where creativity madly plays a pivotal role, dogs often barks sparks of hilarious creativity. This is such a campaign. Love it, or hate it. But do not ignore it. Do not ignore the silent smile which appears on the walls of your mind.

The copy reads- Because pets have stress too. Formulated with a unique blend of herbs to calm the nervous system and counteract stress.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

This print campaign for Calmdog, developed by Euro RSCG, Johannesburg, hilariously leads us to the message. The ads feature different situations where dogs suffer stress. The fat dog of the fat man is ashamed to pose for the photo. The dog of the granny is scared the st out of its life when the dim old granny drives the car. And when the other puppy babe wears the same outfit as its own, our puppy is green with jealousy and a cat fight between the two is on the anvil.


Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Johannesburg, South Africa

Creative Director: James Daniels

Art Director: Romy Lunz

Copywriter: Balekane Mokoditoa

Photographer: Michael Meyersfeld

Retoucher: Rob Frew

calmdog fat dog

camldog same top

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