Council thinks that Eclipse ad smells foul

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

2009 04 09 eclipse

The advertising industry’s self-regulatory body insists Wrigley to change its packaging and advertising for Eclipse gum.
The Eclipse gum ad claims that it has a natural ingredient that kills germs that cause bad breath. But, Wrigly’s gum-making rival Cadbury Adams USA challenges this claim. Now, The National Advertising Division Council of Better Business Bureaus rules that Wrigley’s claims of Eclipse’s germ-killing prowess are not fully backed by scientific evidence.

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The Eclipse ad claims that it contains magnolia bark extract (MBE), a natural ingredient which helps to kill the germs that cause bad breath. The council states that Wrigley’s advertising claims overstated the results, although it found that studies behind those claims showed promising results.

Via: The Associated Press


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