Channel FX’s ad to counter viewers with digital racorders

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


Niche men’s channel FX is planning to roll out its first advertisement campaign in UK to counter those viewers who are using digital recorders to skip commercials. Interestingly, the new ad for its latest drama ‘Brotherhood’ will show only a single image on the screen for the complete 30-second slotted for the ad. Here the catch is that it will enable the ad to retain the sales message even if it viewed at the 12-times speeds enabled by Sky+ and other digital recorders.

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In the recent times, advertisers were trying hard to find a solution to get their ads through as a very high number of consumers are using digital recorders to avoid commercials. The broadcasters and advertisers both are facing this acute problem at the moment and they are fearing this trend will potentially change the course of business in the absence of an effective solution.

This yet to see the effect of this idea when it is going to be aired in the last week of September.


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