CCRJ: Brilliant for whom?

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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This is an unusual public interest advertisement campaign that has taken a very striking perspective describing the plights of unprivileged ones and their contribution to the creative world. The campaign focuses that the plights of unprivileged ones provide insight and attention grabbing imagery for the people involved in advertising world and then it goes on to explain that these contributions helps admen gain reputation and fame while the unprivileged ones usually stayed in their original conditions. The advertisements are showing different unprivileged persons with holding posters explaining how they helped admen to in their career.

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The campaign also triggered a debate whether using conditions of these people in creativity and in advertisement are ethical. However, the second aspect of issue is that the advertisement is an efective medium that highlights and bring them into public exposure, so in this way advertisement is definitely helping them in an indirect way. The campaign was created by Giovanni+Draftfcb Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The text of the ad reads, ‘Homeless and disable people are helping many advertising professionals to achieve success. Not mentioning the ones wounded in wars and the ones infected with AIDS, who are always giving a helping hand. But, isn’t it the other way around? Next time you have a brilliant idea for a starving nation, war refugees or AIDS victims ad, remember to ask yourself this: brilliant for whom?’

Via: Ads of the World

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