CARE Austria: An earthquake effects more than buildings

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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This is an impressive and hard and to some extent hitting print advertisement launched by CARE Austria to make people aware of the damage inflicted by earthquakes on the lives of people. The campaign evidently tries to underscore the fact that not only earthquakes damage buildings and landscapes but adding to people’s misery it also affects the average income of people. The advertisement is showing barren land with a crack caused by earthquake to depict a decline graph of average income of people.

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The presentation of the advertisement is undeniably very remarkable that conveys its message in a very direct way. Another fascinating aspect of the presentation is its simplicity despite the fact that the basic idea has earlier been used many a times. The copy of the ad reads, ‘Average income. An earthquake effects more than buildings.’ The advertisement was developed by Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann, Vienna, Austria.

Via Ads of the World

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