Can Bellyvision be an ad medium?

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

What is Bellyvision. I must have sounded stupid because the answer is there on the word itself. Advertising message or logo on naked stomach or belly. If done right, vision is guaranteed, no doubt on that. And advertisers believe that even for marketing-weary Londoners the vehicle will definitely attract lot of interest.

In US the practice has been going in full swing for quite some years. The ads of living media opportunities are seen quite a lot on websites like eBay.

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But what is the power of the medium in any way. The Guardian writer Laura Barton has this to say

To test the advertising medium, we did consider dispatching one of our journalists to central London with the Guardian emblazoned across their stomach. Alas, in these compact Berliner days, we were unable to find anyone with an appropriately sized midriff.

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