Brandt Biolyse System Refrigerator: Do not let smell mix

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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This is an intelligent and smart print advertisement campaign launched by Brandt to promote its latest range of refrigerators. The campaign apparently aims at focusing the new technology or feature of the refrigerator that prevents different kinds of smell to intrude different food item kept in the fridge. This is a general problem of a fridge that smells of different foods usually mixed up and thereby destroying the taste of the food. This brand boasts that its refrigerator has a solution for it and food will remain in their original smell.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The advertisements are showing shapes of fish and chicken amusingly gets mixed up in order to emphasize how the smell of different dishes intrude in another food item. The presentation of the campaign is no doubt entertaining and effective that has clearly focused on the product benefit. The text of the ad reads, ‘Don’t let smell mix. Biolyse System Refrigerator.’ The campaign was created by DDB, Paris, France.

Via Coolzor

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