BPL Mobile: Amazing Clarity

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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BPL mobile had recently launched this print advertisement campaign in India to focus the clarity it provides on the phones. The campaign focuses on how due to bad clarity sometimes it becomes difficult to hear very important messages. The campaign aims at making the message quite direct and presents it in a very simple manner. However, the advertisements though stick to the core idea but fail to make it proportionately impressive.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The idea working behind this campaign has been repeated many a times to focus the aspect of clarity hence the idea cannot be held great or original. The campaign has shown the key words unreadable by distorting the images a bit while leaving part of the information clearly visible in order to depict indistinctness. The execution of the idea too is very ordinary. The campaign was created by TBWA, India.

Via Ad Nerd

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